Neueste Einträge (14)
Dear Dora, the day will soon arrive that has left a huge gap in my life. It still feels as if we were celebrating yesterday, arguing yesterday - I couldn't argue with anyone as much as I could with you! Going to your grave is very difficult for me, I can't bear knowing that you are there and we can't talk to each other. Sometimes time doesn't heal all wounds, it just makes the pain bearable. We have also set up a Facebook page for you - Dorota! RIP - and many great pictures have already been uploaded there. I am always happy that even after so many years, many people are thinking of you.
Hochgeladene Bilder aus dem Kerzenbereich (1)
Liebe Dora, bald ist der Tag da, welcher eine grosse Lücke in meinem Leben gegraben hat. Es ist immer noch, als wenn wir beide gestern erst gefeiert haben, gestern gestritten - mit niemanden konnte ich mich so gut streiten, wie mit dir! An deinem Grab gehen, fällt mir sehr schwer, ich kann es nicht ertragen, zu wissen, du bist da und wir können nicht miteinander reden. Die Zeit heilt manchmal nicht alle Wunden, sie macht den Schmerz nur erträglich. Wir haben für dich auch eine Facebook Seite - Dorota! RIP - eingerichtet, es sind schon viele tolle Bilder dort hochgeladen worden. Ich freue mich auch immer wieder, dass auch nach so vielen Jahren, viele Menschen an dich denken.
Liebe Dorota,
ich denke an dich, wir erzählen von dir, ich spüre du bist bei uns, doch immer wieder fließen leise Tränen.
Die Zeit heilt nicht alle Wunden, sie lehrt uns nur mit dem Unbegreiflichen zu leben.
Zum Gedenken an deinen 10. Todestag möchte ich dir am 19. November 2024 um 15 Uhr eine Kerze auf deinem Grab anzünden. Wer mag begleitet mich.
My wonderful Dora,
it has now almost been 10 years and still to this day, I am thinking of you every day, hearing your voice, see you shaking your head at me and laughing with and at me at my little struggles of every day life - and this will remain forever!
I still visit Osna when in Germany and it will please you (but not surprise you) that Jenny & I are still very very close. And I also still talk to your mum, she and your brother are doing well... your mum looks amazing and I can see so much of you in her! We just miss you so incredibly much!!!
We always wanted so desperately to stay in your children's lives, to provide some guidance & love on your behalf, how we know you would have wanted, but foremost, to keep your memory alive. Life takes some funny turn sometimes...
But it is never too late. I would love to hear from others who feel like I/we do, missing you and still loving you - I would love to exchange stories, laughing and crying together. Someone may just see this and get in touch: claudi.townsend@gmail.com - how wonderful would this be?!
I am not sure when I will be back in Osna next, but when I do, I will make sure to pay you a visit as always, even though I am pretty sure you are watching over me every day anyway.
I am incredibly grateful to have had you in my life, you are always in my heart.
Your forever best friend & soul sister, Claudia